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mercury levels中文是什么意思

用"mercury levels"造句"mercury levels"怎么读"mercury levels" in a sentence


  • 水银水平仪


  • The blood mercury levels of the newborns and their mothers , as well as their hair mercury content were measured , and the possible sources of mercury exposure were investigated
  • Since mercury is gradually passed out of the body from urine and faeces , people who have not used the cream for six months or more are unlikely to have elevated mercury levels , the spokesman said
  • Since mercury is gradually passed out of the body from urine and faeces , people who have not used the products in question for six months or more are unlikely to have elevated mercury levels , the spokesman said
  • University of rochester researchers looked at the women of the seychelles , who ate an average of 12 fish meals a week and had six times the mercury levels of a typical american , yet their children showed no meaningful cognitive problems
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